Diabetes in Pets
Welcome to the Community Portal!

You can help build Diabetes in Pets into a better wiki community by editing and creating new articles. If you create an account, you can track your changes and more. The Tutorial should get you started if you're new to this.

See Help for more assistance or contact Steve and Jock.

Sign in please

Anyone willing to contibute is invited to sign our Diabetes_in_Pets:Guestbook and if registering, add their new user name.

What this page is for

The point of the "Community Portal" page is to have a central point for bulletin-board or water-cooler notes that all contributors can read and write to. At first just a page, it may grow into a subsite of its own if enough people use it for notices.

Content copying and copyright tips:

  • In general, content should be original or copied from public-domain sources. It should definitely never come from copyrighted web sites. (Unless you can obtain and include written permission. If so, please put it on the "discussion" page for that article.)
  • The Wikipedia is a halfway case -- since it's under the GFDL, and so is this wiki, you can copy when you need to, and you need only cite the source at the end of the page using the shortcut:

where "Article" is the title of the Wikipedia article you used.

  • Of course linking to the page instead of copying it is usually better. For that, use

as a link.

Article Names

Articles should be named in a uniform way to help links and searches work best. See Help:Conventions for more information.
