Diabetes in Pets
Diabetes in Pets
Male DMH Orange and White
Born Unknown-Unknown
Dx May-2005
Oral meds :
Regulated Not-yet

Regulated between 100 and 300

I haven't achived regulation yet with Tigger. His PS's range is in the 300's with #'s occ. in the 200's or 400's

Remission Not-yet
Insulin PZI Vet

January 2007: Current dose of PZI is 3.5U BID. Maybe trying TID dosing soon. Recently had some blood work done and his Creatine numbers were a little high.

Tigger was hospitalized over the Thanksgiving Day weekend due to DKA. We made the choise to switch him over to PZI-VET (Indexx U-40 insulin) all blood work done was within the normal ranges. Will post all those numbers at a later date. The only number on the low side was his pottasium. It was low so we will continue with the Tumil-k supplement 2 a day til they are within normal values then once a day and recheck in a few weeks to see how that is working.

September 24,2005 & September 25,2005

We are currently trying Lantus. Starting dose is 1U. From the day I started testing Tigger at least twice a day he has always given me high preshot numbers.

Todays PS was 381 & 402. Developed ketones on 1U. Went with vets advice to increase to 2U on 9/26/05


Tigger has given me consistant PS's in the 300's since 10/14/05. But I feel there is a dose increase needed. I have been smelling ketones on his breathe. The times I have gotten to test his pee, there have been none to trace.

I will be calling the vet in the morning. To see what he has to say.

10/3/05 to 10/13/05

most of Tiggers PS's have been in the 300's with a few being in the 400's

Curve day 10/2/05

8:45am Breakfast - 1/2can Praire Chicken+Turkey Diet (Made by Natures Variety)

9:05am (+0) PS 307 gave 2U Lantus 2 spoonfuls chicken w/Tumil-K added

10:05am (+1) BG 365

11:05am (+2) BG 357

12:05pm (+3) BG 266 Vocal hungry 1/4c FF F&P Beef&Chicken Feast 2 pieces Evo

1:05pm (+4) BG 289

2:05pm (+5) BG 267

3:05pm (+6) BG 280

4:05pm (+7) BG 275

5:05pm (+8) BG 300 STOLE 1/4c FF F&P Beef&Chicken Feast

6:05pm (+9) BG 336

8:00pm Dinner 1/2c Prairie Chicken+Turkey Diet

8:10pm (+11) PS 439 gave 2U Lantus 1 spoonful chicken w/ Meth B-12 added


WBC : 6.41 m/mm3 normal 5.0 - 18.0 ALB : 4.0 normal 2.2 - 4.4 G/DL

Lym.: 21.9 % normal 5.0 - 30.0 ALP :+ 92 % normal 10 - 90 U/L

Mon.: + 6.7 % normal 2.0 - 6.0 ALT :+ 1843 normal 20 - 100 U/L

Gra.: 71.4 % normal 40.0 - 80.0 AMY : 854 normal 300 - 1100 U/L

Lym#: 1.40 m/mm3 normal 0.2 - 5.4 TBIL: 0.3 normal 0.1 - 0.6 MG/DL

Mon#: + 0.42 m/mm3 normal 0.1 - 1.0 BUN : 23 normal 10 - 30 MG/DL

Gra#: 4.59 m/mm3 normal 2.0 - 14.4 CA++: 10.0 normal 8.0 - 11.8 MG/DL

PHOS: 5.1 normal 3.4 - 8.5 MG/DL

RBC : 8.63 M/mm3 normal 4.0 - 9.0 CRE : 1.1 normal 0.3 - 2.1 MG/DL

MCV : 46.5 fl normal 35.5 - 55.0 GLU : 391 normal 70 - 150 MG/DL

Hct : 40.1 % normal 24.0 - 45.0 NA+ : 149 normal 142 - 164 MMO/L

MCH : - 14.2 pg normal 16.0 - 24.0 K+ : 4.7 normal 3.7 - 5.8 MMO/L

MCHC: 30.6 g/dl normal 28.0 - 40.0 TP : 7.4 normal 5.4 - 8.2 G/DL

RDW : + 13.6 normal 8.0 - 12.0 GLOB: 3.4 normal 1.5 - 5.7 G/DL

Hb : 12.3 g/dl normal 9.5 - 15.0 QC : OK

HEM 1+, LIP 0 , ICT 0

PLT : + 724 m/mm3 normal 120 - 500

MPV : + 9.5 fl normal 4.0 - 7.0

Pct : 0.69 %

PDW : 12.0 normal 8.0 - 12.0

Live SW, PA USA Alleghney County

Five cats total

Tigger dx May 6,2005 started with Humulin N @ 1U 2X a day

6/4/05: Current dose is 5U 2X a day First home curve to be done 6/5/05.

Had a Hypo scare on 6/7/05 with 5.5U of N. We try Humulin U tonight (6/7/05) starting at 2U 2X a day. Vet wanted us to start out at 4U thought that was high for new insulin I will start @ 2U. Also started Tumil-K supplement today 2X a day. Slight fever @ vets 102.5 started on clavamox as precaution possible pneumonia, lungs didn't sound quite right + was doing rapid breathing at vets and I also noticed this at home. PS BG 446/ +3 BG @ 441
