Posted by: Pam & Killian (IP Logged) Date: November 4, 2005 05:15AM
Suave Killian DX 5/14/05; diet controlled since 10/15/05; have a UTI as of 11/14/05 so back on insulin temporarily - .5U Lantus SID or BID depending on my numbers!
1.) When was your cat diagnosed with FD?
- May 2005
2.) When did you start using Lantus and how long till regulation?
- Started Lantus mid August 2005 and it took about 3 weeks before he was consistantly in the 100s.
3.) Are you feeding your cat a low-carbohydrate diet?
- He's on a mostly raw diet.
4.) Has your cat gone off of insulin?
- Yes, twice now, once on U and again on Lantus.
5.) Are you considering changing to or from Lantus?
- We switched to Lantus from U when he needed to go back on insulin in August. He had been on U in June and July, mid July he went off insulin the first time. Mid August he needed to go back on so we switched to Lantus.
Pam & Killian