Diabetes in Pets
Diabetes in Pets

Posted by: Pam & Killian (IP Logged) Date: November 4, 2005 05:15AM

Suave Killian DX 5/14/05; diet controlled since 10/15/05; have a UTI as of 11/14/05 so back on insulin temporarily - .5U Lantus SID or BID depending on my numbers!

1.) When was your cat diagnosed with FD?

May 2005

2.) When did you start using Lantus and how long till regulation?

Started Lantus mid August 2005 and it took about 3 weeks before he was consistantly in the 100s.

3.) Are you feeding your cat a low-carbohydrate diet?

He's on a mostly raw diet.

4.) Has your cat gone off of insulin?

Yes, twice now, once on U and again on Lantus.

5.) Are you considering changing to or from Lantus?

We switched to Lantus from U when he needed to go back on insulin in August. He had been on U in June and July, mid July he went off insulin the first time. Mid August he needed to go back on so we switched to Lantus.

Pam & Killian
